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What is Keyword Golden Ratio

Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is an advanced keyword research technique that helps you to find keywords you can rank for immediately. Keyword Golden Ratio is a special keyword research method that has been developed by Doug Cunnington.

The Golden Ratio can be calculated by dividing the number of all in title results by the search volume.

How to Find KGR Keywords:

  1. <0.25 - Great - Once your page is indexed by Google, you should rank in the top 100.
  2. 0.25 to 1.00 - Might Work - You will still place in the top 250 pretty soon
  3. 1.00> - To Hard - You know that this is a more competitive term


KGR(Keyword Golden Ratio)= allintitle/Search Volume

KGR keyword has two main characteristics:
  1. Searches Per Month 250
  2. AllinTitle  
  3. <0.25 - Great

How Does KGR work?

Keyword Golden Ratio method is based on the presumption that low-volume keywords with few keywords in the title of the page are underserved.

What is allintitle?

Allintitle is an advanced Google search operator that produces the results that include all the terms in the meta title of the article.

What is Keyword Golden Ratio

Source:YouTube(Techno Vedant)